Saturday, December 28, 2019

Week 1 Cpa Report - 729 Words

Memo To: Outside CPA From: CC: Manager Date: April 25, 2011 Re: CPA Report Below I have summarized an explanation to the questions that came about during your examination of a subsidiary that has been set up as a corporation. †¢ The methodology used to determine deferred taxes. The deferred taxes reported are a temporary difference. The deferred taxes were calculated based on what needed to be reported versus what has been posted to the corporations’ books. The â€Å"temporary difference is the difference between the tax basis of an asset or liability and its reported (carrying or book) amount in the financial statements, which will result in taxable amounts or deductible amounts in future years† (Kieso, el. 2007,†¦show more content†¦The corporation and stockholders have the tax burden in a corporation. In whole, from the owners’ point of view, it is more sensible to form a corporation that has a little more flexibility and less liability versus a partnership or sole proprietorship. References Bline, D. M., Fischer, M. L., and Skekel, T. D. (2004) Advanced Accounting. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Kieso, D. E., Weygandt, J. J. and Warfield, T. D. (2007). Intermediate Accounting. (12th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Memo To: Manager From: Rebecca Carver Date: April 25, 2011 Re: CPA Report As stated by Schroeder, el. (2005), my professional responsibilities as a CPA include independence, scope of services, confidentiality, practice development, and differences on accounting issues. It is my responsibility to keep my professional judgment unbiased and base my opinions on factual information and to keep my personal interest separate from the clients work. It is my responsibility not to indulge any client with nonaudit services not relating to the financial audit. It is my responsibility to keep the clients information confidential and only report information that is deemed necessary for investors and outside users. It is my responsibility to not enter in to any advertisement that would be misleading or untrue. It is my responsibility to determine and discuss with the client any differences in accounting issues that related to how transactions areShow MoreRelatedHomework Assignment Week 11195 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Homework Assignment Week 1 2-16 (Objective 2-6)  The following questions deal with auditing standards. Choose the best response. A. International Standards on Auditing are established by the: (2) International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board. B. Which of the following best describes what is meant by U.S. generally accepted auditing standards? (2) Measures of the quality of the auditor’s performance. C. The general group of U.S. generally accepted auditing standards includes a requirementRead MoreEssay on The Pros and Cons of being an Accountant1106 Words   |  5 Pagesfinancial reports. Some of the reports are the balance sheet, income statement, and tax returns. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Cosmetic Surgery for Middle-Aged Women Essay example

Female bodies have been conceptualized as an unfinished biological and social phenomena, which is transformed within the participation in our society. The way we walk, talk and gesture are all influenced by our upbringing. Sociologist argue that we conceptualize our bodies and use as markers of distinction in contemporary society of our self and identity tied to our body (Featherstone, 2010). The idea that our bodies are continuously in a state of unfinished process, and are a project which should be worked on and should be accomplished as part of an individual’s self identity (Shilling, 2003). According to Nettleton, (2006) who states that the attitudes towards our bodies influence the disclosure of health promotion and cultural aspects†¦show more content†¦In this assignment I will be focusing on the Attitudes towards cosmetic surgery women. The key question which I will be analyzing will be on (why do early middle age women go though cosmetic surgery?). I will use the current issues in cultural consumer and historic affect on cosmetic surgery for early middle age women. I will be using recent theories and literature on identifying the key elements such as, (body image, aging anxiety, being overweight, media exposure, body dissatisfaction, also a feminist and post feminist perspective of cosmetic surgery for women, gender and appearance in which will show why women use cosmetic surgery as an alternative to solve their problems. â€Å"An age is obsessed with youth, health and physical beauty. â€Å"Television images dominant the vision of media, we chain our persistent reminders that the graceful body, the dimpled set an attractive face is the way we should be† (Stone, Hepworth, Turner, 1996: 177). Over the years there has been dramatic change in the popularity in cosmetic surgery in middle age women. In 2008 just over 12 million cosmetic procedures were performed in United States alone. Cosmetic surgery is no longer just preserve for the rich or famous, it is associated for every ones use now (Slevec, Tiggemann,Show MoreRelatedCosmetic Surgery and Middle-Aged Women706 Words   |  3 Pagesï » ¿ Cosmetic Surgery Middle Aged Women An article in the peer-reviewed journal Psychology of Women Quarterly examined the attitudes of middle aged women (between 35 and 55 years of age) by asking 108 women in that age group to complete a questionnaire. The questionnaire probed into issues related to women who are getting up in years, including: a) potential body dissatisfaction; b) their physical appearance investment; c) the possibility of anxiety related to aging; d) media exposure (in magazinesRead More`` Dad, Can I Please Get A Nose Job?1512 Words   |  7 Pagescelebrities who have gotten plastic surgery, and even my friends who never had plastic surgery, had a cute, smooth, feminine nose. I wanted to look like them—I wanted my nose to fit in with all the other girls’ noses. No one would even second-guess a teenager getting a nose job in Los Angeles because it has become apart of the culture. Growing up in L.A. I have been surrounded by the entertainment industry my entire life—it is filled with a plethora of women who have also gone under the knife inRead MoreMedias Destructive Influence on Women Essay1215 Words   |  5 Pagestruly harmful. It is common to see women exploited in reality TV shows and music videos. Young women are also influenced by the images that they see in commercials, billboards, internet sites, and movies. These images serve to harm a woman’s self confidence and also are affecting their overall health. Today’s mass media messages are having a negative effect on how women perceive themselves. I would like to propose a project which involves analyzing several women, of many different age groups, acrossRead MoreStaying Young And Looking `` Beautiful ``1097 Words   |  5 Pagestwenty-first century, many more ant i-aging treatments have been developed. For example, â€Å"an obsession with a youthful appearance has become commonplace in modern society and has resulted in an upswing in cosmetic procedure trying to revers the aging process† (Honigman Castle, 2006). Cosmetic procedures seem to be taking a new swing from just looking physically beautiful to a more mental aspect. To illustrate, beauty is a new indicator of social worth due to the significant development over theRead MoreThe Media Images Of Beauty1665 Words   |  7 PagesPeople bombarded by images of men and women who are thin, beautiful, and youthful. This norm is slowly taking away an individual’s freedom of self-expression and consequently lose sense of self-worth. Camille Paglia, an academic and social critic who earned her PhD at Yale University, uses her artistic sensibility to argue that the current trend of plastic surgery leads to ethical issues, such as narcissism, sexism, and racism in â€Å"The Pitfa ll of Plastic Surgery†. Meanwhile, Daniel Akst, New York bornRead MoreThe Perception Of Age For The American People908 Words   |  4 Pagestend to be youth obsessed in unequal terms. To women reaching forty and beyond, today s culture wishes to sell her the perfected youth she never had. They do this by suggesting tips, surgery, dietary habits and this persuasive belief as to if she does not achieve the society recommended ideal of youth, she is cast aside. Statistics paint a story. Taken from the article Breasts, buttocks and botox- the surprising trends in plastic surgery, Botox cosmetic procedures, used to help remove wrinkles, areRead MorePoem Essay In Barbie Doll By Marge Piercy961 Words   |  4 Pagesputs on young women to achieve the unrealistic image of an ideal body increases the amount of bullying girls experience which causes a drastic increase of suicide, eating disorders, and unnecessary surgeries. Bullying is often defined as unprovoked and unwanted aggressive behavior repeatedly carried out among victims who are either unable or choose not to defend themselves. Unfortunately, bullying is common which has been proven through a survey concluding that 30% of middle school aged girls experienceRead MorePro Teen Plastic Surgery Debate Information3238 Words   |  13 PagesCurrent event- Historical event- She is just 14, going to undergo plastic surgery. her face bears the painful-looking raised scars and puckered skin of a burn victim. Blikis was burned in an acid attack. Acid eating through the skin on their faces, destroying cartilage and bone in minuetes. As she waits for her first surgery to help restore her face and her future. Driscoll, Amy. World of Hope for Acid Attack Victim. Miami Herald (Miami, FL). 15 Jul 2001: 1B+. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web.Read MoreHow Does Soociety Respond to the Media ´s Portrayal or What is Beautiful?559 Words   |  2 Pagestoday’s adults. According to the American Society of Plastic surgery (ASPA) 14.6 million cosmetic surgery procedures were performed in the United States in 2012. This is a 5 percent increase since 2011. The constant media advertisement of weight loss, sex appeal, and cosmetically enhanced beauty often leads to unrealistic standards of beauty and dissatisfaction in personal appearance. This overexposure to Hollywood beauty causes women to wonder how come they don’t look like that and often leavesRead MoreBarbie Doll Syndrome998 Words   |  4 Pagessmall or those shaped in an unnatural way will cause deformities,† she adds.    Pamela Davis, M.D. - Foot amp; Ankle Specialists, Davenport, IA â€Å"Women are binding their feet† The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society found in a survey about 80% of women had foot pain and that 59% of women wear uncomfortable shoes for at least an hour a day, either for professional or fashion reasons. Dr. Davis sees the painful result frequently. â€Å"Unfortunately

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Who Is Better free essay sample

Are women better parents than men? This is a theory that has been around for a very long time. Women do the most important chores like feeding them and BIRTHING them, while men usually sit in anticipation or just watch as the mother breast feeds his child. Who really knows what’s going on in his head? He could be thinking about anything. So, are women really better parents then men? Let’s find out! Women in general just get more attached to their children. For one, they were living inside of her, sharing all of the nutrients she put into her body. For example, I am very close to my mother. I lived inside of her for nine months. We shared everything, food, drinks, sicknesses, and now I share everything with her. Whether it is stories about what happened at school, who I like, or even my foods! We are very close and she knows exactly what to say. We will write a custom essay sample on Who Is Better or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the old days, when men and women weren’t thought of as â€Å"equal,† who would always stay at home and clean the house, and who would go out hunting? Who would wash the clothes and the dishes, and who would sit around doing nothing? The main question is who would take care of the children? That’s right, the women. In the past, women would take care of the children while the men went out and hunted. My point is, that women are more calm natured that men. Since a long time ago, women had to be calm, cool, and collective so they could have enough patients to do everything for everyone. Now, I don’t know where all of the patients have gone, but I know there is still some trace of tranquility from their ancestors. All men have known how to do in the past is hunt and order everyone around. Today, although to a much less extreme, men are still considered â€Å"the boss,† and still have a sense of violence. The main counter point that I could think of w as that men in general will think the opposite. However, women know exactly what to do and say in order to calm their children. Men can try and try, and sometimes they succeed. Women in general are just more connected and devote their lives to their children! For example, if your newborn is crying nonstop, and the man gets up to try to calm it, it may or may not work. However, women usually know exactly the right thing to do, whether it is food or just cuddling! Men should not think the opposite, they should believe the same! Are men and women equal in life with children? Is there a sex that dominates in parent hood? Whether it is knowing what your child wants or being calm natured and peaceful, women do dominate in parent hood. So, are women better parents than men? You decide!