Saturday, May 16, 2020

Different Aspects of Love Presented in William...

Different Aspects of Love Presented in William Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream Lysander + Hermia = True love? Sexual Attraction (Lust) ------------------------------------------------------- Titania + Oberon = Love or hate (Married) Helena + Demetrius = One sided (Unrequited) Hippolyta + Theseus = Stable Love (Mutual love and respect) Titania + Bottom = Unrequited and magical (fake) Egeus + Hermia = Family - Father and daughter Titania + Boy = Family - Mother and son Introduction ------------ A remarkable aspect of A midsummer nights dream is that it contains a play within a play. Two themes present in many of Shakespeares plays, the struggle of men†¦show more content†¦William Shakespeare made all of the characters interact their lives to be based on each other. At first everything was confusing, and the characters were faced with many different problems. In the end, however they were still able to persevere and win their true love, the love they were searching for in the first place. Theseus is the Athenian duke and, plans to marry the Amazonian Queen Hippolyta four days after the opening of the play. Theseus seems to represent a rather unpleasant model of forced love. By the time Theseus reappears at the end of the play, however, he and Hippolyta seem genuinely and mutually happy together, and he presides over a magically resolved triple wedding in which everyone gains their hearts desire. Hippolyta is the Amazonian Queen and, is set to marry Theseus. Hippolyta is not heavily involved in the play but does sound impatient to get married to Theseus. Titania is the Queen of the fairies and is a delicate creature, fond of elegant song and dance and provides a train of equally lovely spirits. When she first appears in the play, she is angry at her husband, Oberon, who is continually demanding that she give him one of her attendants, an Indian Boy whose mother had been one of her worshippers and has past away. Titania says, Set your heart at rest: the fairy land buys not the child of me. His mother was aShow MoreRelated William Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream Essay1591 Words   |  7 PagesWilliam Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream In William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, there are endless images of water and the moon. Both images lend themselves to a feeling of femininity and calm. In classical mythology, the image of water is often linked with Aphrodite, goddess of passion and love. Born of the foam of the sea, Aphrodite was revered as an unfaithful wife to her husband Hephaestus (Grant 36). 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